Rev Renewal – March 25, 2020

“The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8:6)

What currently has control of your mind?  With everything that is being shared virtually, what have been your thoughts?  For Paul, he spoke the words shared in Romans 8:6 as a reminder for the people of Rome to embrace that which comes through the Spirit.  He was aware that when a person’s mind is controlled by the world and the sin that is present in the world, the outcome is a form of darkness or death.  However, a mind controlled by the Spirit brings life and peace.

During this challenging time in our world, the thoughts surrounding our current situation can bring about negativity, darkness, and frustration.  At times, we may be feeling helpless and out of control.  Any sense of normalcy has had to be adjusted.  While this is understandable, there is another choice we can make each day.  This choice is joy.  A song by the group For King & Country is entitled just that – Joy.  It speaks that although there are things out of our control that upset us, and even though they may continue, we do not have to let those elements dictate the outcome of our day.  As Paul states “the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace”

I encourage you in the days to come, despite all that is taking place, to seek the simplest piece of “joy”.  Since God is the creator of heaven and earth, and God declared that “It is good” (mentioned various times in Genesis 1) – we can lean on this truth that even in our current situation, there is goodness present.  May you seek the peace and the life that comes to us through God’s promises.  Promises secured through the death and resurrection of Christ.  I also encourage us to seek grace, mercy, and forgiveness.  These are hard times for all, and the greatest gift we can offer is forgiveness and grace. As people try to do their best during this time, they may mess up and they may falter.  God continues, though, to shine brightly for us, providing us a peace and a sense of life that comes only through the Holy Spirit.

The darkness will not win, for the life of peace given through Jesus Christ is our true victory.

Pastor Arlyn ><>