Youth Ministry

5th-10th Grade – Confirmation Class

Beginning in the fifth grade, the youth of Trinity embark upon their catechetical studies.  Luther’s Small Catechism, the traditional teaching and answers of faith given by the Lutheran Church, serves as a basic for much of this work.

Confirmation is taught on a series of retreats based on the grade levels of the participants.  Students delve into the following topics:

  • Old Testament
  • New Testament
  • Baptism and Communion
  • Stewardship
  • Jesus
  • What is a Lutheran?
  • Apostles Creed
  • Lord’s Prayer
  • Ten Commandments
  • Service to Others
  • And more

The students will be paired with an adult mentor beginning in 7th grade where they’re matched with a person in the congregation to meet and learn about each other and their faith, have fun, share openly and grow in faith.

Students will continue on the Confirmation journey through 10th grade.  Students in 10th grade will complete a class project with the assistance of their mentors, the Pastors.  Upon completion of the program, students will be confirmed during a worship service on Pentecost.


Summer Camp Opportunities

We have 2 Lutheran camps in our synod – Camp Nawakwa and Camp Kirchenwald.  Both camps offer a wide variety of activities for all ages.  To view these opportunities go to  Trinity helps to finance all those attending the camping programs, call the church office for details.


Daily Devotions

Devotionals are made available to families of the church.


Trinity Scholarship Fund

The Trinity Scholarship Fund financially supports eligible Trinity first degree college students. This scholarship is granted upon completion of an annual application (located in the office) and maintenance of acceptable grades.


6th-8th Grade Trips

These youth participate in 2 weekend events:

  1. Alive Alive –  is held at Camp Nawakwa every September.  This is a synod sponsored vent.
    For more information go to
  2. Youth Quake –  is held in Harrisburg every February. This is a Youth Encounter sponsored event.  For more information go to

These youth also may participate in summer work camps and trips to amusement parks and swim parities etc.


9th-12th Grade Trips

These youth also participate in 2 weekend events:

  1. Winterfest – is held in Lancaster every January.  This is a synod sponsored event.
    For more information go to
  2. Youth Encounter Zone – is held in VA Beach every March.  For more information go to

Every 3 years these youth also have the opportunity to attend the National Youth Gathering.
Check out for more information.

These youth also may participate in summer work camps and trips to amusement parks and swim parities etc.

We offer many activities for all ages!