SowShare the Word of God

“Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.”

— Mark 16:15, NRSV

There are many causes that members of Trinity can get involved with if they feel called to do so. Our Homeless Connection is the largest – you can donate time or old furniture items to help us house and provide for low income families in our community.

Monetary donations are another way to participate. We work with a number of organizations such as World Hunger and Lutheran World Relief to raise money for local and national causes.

For more information on these causes, please feel free to visit their websites, listed below:

Charitable Organizations that Trinity has supported:

The House of Grace

The House of Grace



Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child

Lutheran World Relief

Lutheran World Relief

Maranatha Ministry, Inc.

Maranatha Ministry, Inc.

SpiriTrust Lutheran

Maranatha Ministry, Inc.



