“The seed is the word of God”
— Luke 8:11, NRSV
Continuing to deepen our relationship to God is important to us, and this comes at any age.
For our younger youth, we have a regular Sunday school hour every Sunday, and we host a Vacation Bible School during the summer months that they are welcome to come to (and invite their friends – it’s tons of fun.
For kids of Confirmation age, we have a confirmation group that meets separately during the Sunday School hour. We have a post-confirmation class in the works for those who have been confirmed. Trinity loves to give the youth opportunities to commune with each other and with other Lutherans in the country. We send them on camping trips and to Alive (for middle schoolers), the ELCA Youth Gathering (for post-confirmation students), and Winterfest (for post confirmation/college students).

For our adults, we have a scripture and coffee bible study, which is a great chance to sit back and have a lively discussion about passages in the Bible while relaxing with a cup of coffee (or your hot beverage of choice).