Rev Renewal

The daily grind continues for us all.  The need to provide for our families.  The need to be present in places of business.  The need to help those are requiring assistance.  The need to protect ourselves and others from the ongoing Covid-19 virus.

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us (Psalm 67:1)”

The challenges are real and can take a toll on ourselves.  Where is it that we can turn for any form of relief?  The Psalmist’s plea that God be gracious to us is a reminder that we can turn to the Lord during our times of struggle.  In fact, it is in moments where we are not able to do it ourselves that God desires for us to turn to Him.

“So that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations (Psalm 67:2)”

As we lift our prayers, our struggles, and our concerns to the Lord, the Lord can reveal himself to us through his acts and deeds.  The Lord desires to provide for us, but when we seek to do it on our own, we diminish the fullness of the Lord.  Furthermore, when the Lord’s acts are displayed to those who have yet to know the Lord, they too are able to come and believe in the Lord’s power.

“May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth (Psalm 67:4)”

The call the Psalmist makes in verse 4 is one that can be very difficult in times of struggle.  We are currently seeing divisions, tensions, and anything but equity among the peoples.  We may be inclined to feel more sadness and discouragement than any gladness or joy.  Yet, if we truly believe that God is in control, then we can trust God will lead us through these uncertain times.  It may not be in a way that we are accustomed to, but as we trust in God’s guidance, perhaps we will be able to see God’s goodness more fully.

“The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us (Psalm 67:6)”.

In the end, the good news is that God’s creation continues to function.  Through the challenges, the pain, and the uncertainties, God will provide for us.  May we seek the Lord during this time.  May we see as creation continues to flourish.  May we embrace the opportunity to proclaim the Lord’s faithfulness and the gift of grace and mercy to all people.

“May all the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you (Psalm 67:5)”

Pastor Arlyn><>